Infovista | Understanding mmWave Planning | Whitepaper


Figure 20: 2D and 3D view of RSRP

3. Advanced propagation modeling: The relatively small cell sizes and the extent to which clutter affects mmWave propagation means advanced propagation modeling is probably the most important capability of a planning tool when designing mmWave networks. We will look at the specifics of what is required from a propagation model in detail in the next section. In terms of the planning tool though, it is important that it has the capability to automatically tune models using external data sources as well as benchmark models against field measurements. 4. Virtualized and Open RAN architecture support: As networks evolve many operators will be looking to transition their traditional network to an Open RAN architecture. A planning tool therefore needs to be able to support virtualized architectures to ensure it is futureproof. 5. High resolution 3D geodata: Clutter has a very large effect on propagation of high frequencies in mmWave. At 28 GHz, propagation attenuation can be up to 2-3dB/m due to trees. It is therefore necessary to have very high-resolution clutter data including 3D buildings with roof structure details and vegetation including canopy heights and individual trees. A planning tool needs to support 3D maps at the highest possible resolutions and feature propagation models capable of leveraging this high-resolution data. 6. Technology feature support: To successfully plan a technology, it requires a planning tool that supports all the relevant features of the technology. For 5G this includes massive MIMO, 3D beamforming, beam switching antennas, latency modeling, dynamic spectrum sharing, CPE for FWA scenario and more.

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