Key takeaways
The FWA market opportunity for fixed and mobile CSPs The business case for each operator will vary, shaped by the characteristics of its market, existing infrastructure and competitive landscape. Understanding this context is the first step in delivering an FWA network that is capable of delivering a compelling experience and profitable service.
CSP challenges for FWA monetization Only by having accurate insight into all the relevant data, a comprehensive understanding of what it means, and the ability to execute so that it all comes together in a reliable service and a compelling end-user experience can CSPs realize a profitable return on their FWA investment.
How to plan and scale FWA profitably Planning your network for FWA services is about more than where to put your base stations. The profile of the service is different, with more data consumed, varying CPE installations and delivered within a physical environment that quite literally changes with the seasons due to the use of millimeter wave spectrum. To deliver a consistent and profitable FWA network experience requires continuous planning, analysis and optimization, powered by AI-driven automation for accuracy, speed and efficiency. This also allows fast network monetization in areas where spare capacity is available.
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