Infovista | Optimize your FWA network experience | eBook


Scaling FWA as part of a comprehensive service offer The other main challenge with FWA, especially for an existing mobile network operator, is that FWA subscribers consume significantly more data than regular mobile subscribers. According to the latest Ericsson Mobility report, the average mobile subscriber in North America consumes 26GB of data per month while the average for an FWA subscriber is 324GB, over 12x higher, 14 driven by critical remote working apps, interactive e-gaming and latency- sensitive OTT voice services. These apps not only bring with them data-intensive usage that can place strain on existing network infrastructure, they also bring heightened customer expectations that must be satisfied – and ideally exceeded. Picking the right battle Analysis by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) sees FWA as “a valuable tool that MNOs can use for certain strategic plays”. 15 They outline what they describe as five distinct types of FWA opportunity: 1. Opportunistically exploit spare mobile network capacity 2. Attack copper or cable operators 3. Land-grab customers until fiber rollout 4. Extend beyond the fiber footprint 5. Target convenience-seeking or price-sensitive customers

This means every new FWA subscriber added to the network has a significant effect and careful consideration needs to be taken when signing up FWA subscribers to ensure the network can handle the demand and other subscribers are not adversely affected. The challenge is in understanding if, how and where each of these opportunities can be monetized. Or, as BCG succinctly puts it: “Determining how and where to use FWA is not easy. It requires the right data, very detailed modeling, and the capabilities to pull it off.” Profitably monetizing FWA services therefore begins with the network. Accurate planning and modeling means that monetization is considered from the outset. Proactive testing during the deployment stage enables the network to be optimized. Ongoing assurance of the network, service and end-user experience provides a holistic view across all domains to reduce the time and cost of troubleshooting and deliver the best FWA network experience.

Key takeaway

Only by having accurate insight into all the relevant data, a comprehensive understanding of what it means, and the ability to execute so that it all comes together in a reliable service and a compelling end-user experience can CSPs realize a profitable return on their FWA investment.

14. Ericsson Mobility Report (November 2023) p.38 15. BCG , The Secret to Fixed Wireless Access? Location. Location. Location (30 September 2022)


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