Infovista | RF planning for Open RAN networks | eBook


Open RAN service area plots The disaggregated nature of the RU, DU and CU Open RAN nodes means there are many options when deciding which DU to connect an RU to and which CU to connect a DU to. An RF planning tool needs to provide a designer with insights to enable them to connect the nodes of the network in the most efficient manner.

Open RAN latency analysis Latency modeling is the critical first step towards offering latency sensitive services such as 5G slicing and URLLC. This is especially important for Open RAN networks where the ability to virtualize nodes and deploy them in the cloud could lead to larger than expected latency numbers.

How can Planet help?

How can Planet help?

Planet provides the ability to model latency from the core to the UE for Open RAN architectures. Planning engineers can analyze the latency of all paths in the network and a latency best server plot provides a visual representation of the latency across the network. Understanding the latency at all locations in the network helps engineers understand where specific latency sensitive services can be offered, where network latency improvements are needed and where the optimal locations for CUs and DUs are.

As well as the physical locations of all nodes and a logical view of their connections, Planet also provides Best DU and Best CU plots in the map view. This gives the network planner a clear geographical view of DU and CU service areas alongside the physical locations of the RU, DU and CU nodes. With this information, the network planner can determine the optimal way to connect the Open RAN nodes to each other considering aspects such as physical proximity, latency and network capacity requirements.


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