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Indoor mobile network testing

The benefits of indoor mobile network testing with TEMS Pocket TEMS Pocket is a powerful, yet highly portable phone-based mobile network testing solution with support for 5G devices and scanners. It allows you to verify, optimize and troubleshoot your mobile network in environments requiring portability, such as malls, stadiums, and offices. Its advanced testing capabilities provide actionable insights to improve your subscribers’ mobile experience. • Be in control of your testing with powerful device-forcing features and scripting to automate actions, allowing you to efficiently test what you need to • Install TEMS Pocket on standard consumer devices so field engineers only need to carry a single phone • Benchmark indoor coverage against all your competitors with a multi-device solution carried in a single backpack • Ensure a faster time-to-market of your 5G network with TEMS Pocket’s efficient indoor walk testing and troubleshooting

Solution: TEMS Pocket

With over 80% of all mobile data traffic occurring indoors, the in-building performance of your network can make or break your subscribers’ mobile experience. From the high-rise offices of key enterprise clients to high-footfall shopping malls, it is vital that you can verify, optimize and troubleshoot your mobile network with optimal efficiency. What is indoor mobile network testing? Indoor mobile network testing involves verifying, optimizing and troubleshooting your in-building network coverage so you can ensure your subscribers have a good quality of experience indoors. Using a highly portable smartphone-based network testing solution, engineers can walk-test indoor environments such as malls, stadiums, offices, airports and other large venues. Subscribers expect your network to deliver a flawless user experience indoors. This means you need to be able to verify the subscriber experience on the devices and the apps that they are using. A portable phone-based mobile network testing solution with support for both 5G devices, scanners and OTT application testing means you can generate the insights you need to troubleshoot and optimize the subscriber experience indoors and across campuses. Advanced indoor mobile network testing provides actionable insights based on both the subscriber experience (QoE) and the network performance (QoS), giving you the accurate information you need to be able to troubleshoot, optimize and ultimately improve your subscribers’ mobile experience.

When rolling out a new indoor system or adding 5G to an existing one, you need to efficiently and accurately ensure that network performance meets your expectations.


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