Infovista | Evolving network testing | 12 use cases eBook


User experience testing Solution: TEMS Investigation, TEMS Pocket, TEMS Paragon, TEMS Sense Today’s networks need to successfully support a vast array of services, everything from simple text messages to services characterized by demanding requirements, ranging from high bandwidth 4K video streaming to very low latency e-gaming. User experience (UX) testing is critical if you are to ensure your network is delivering the quality expected by customers for any of the apps or services they are using. By combining machine learning algorithms with sophisticated traffic modeling, UX testing enables you to understand the user experience for all these applications and services. What is UX testing? UX testing enables you to innovatively combine various generic testing techniques, sophisticated real live service traffic pattern emulations and machine learning (ML) algorithms to fully test not only your network, but also the user experience of any native or OTT applications and services running over them. This means you can test the user experience of high bandwidth, low latency 5G services such as the e-gaming genre of First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, OTT voice applications including WhatsApp, and video-on- demand streaming services like Netflix. Thanks to the variety and volume of OTT apps and the ever-expanding range of devices, it’s simply not practical or financially viable to test every device, every OTT app and every interactive service. Instead, by testing the network against the key parameters of the most demanding and/or most commonly used OTT application/service, you can have confidence that you are not only delivering a network capable of supporting less intensive and/ or less common OTT apps and services, but making user experiences promises, safe in the knowledge that your network will deliver.

The benefits of UX testing with TEMS Our user experience testing portfolio enables you to understand, and improve, the user experience for all applications and services. It includes solutions for native and OTT voice services, OTT applications, and interactive services such as mobile gaming. • Ensure 5G user experience by accurately measuring quality of experience for all native and OTT applications and services. • Benefit from network-centric voice quality testing with sQLEAR, the world’s first machine learning-based standard for 5G VoNR voice quality testing approved by ITU and that provides a device, and device settings, agnostic, view of true voice quality without the need to test every individual device. • Ensure subscriber QoE across all apps with our generic testing approach that is highly correlated to real-world testing for a more practical and cost-effective solution. • Test any standard OTT application without the requirement for customized OTT applications to be able to successfully test.

The challenge with testing OTT apps today is that parameters change with every release update. How to login or the layout and behavior of the app can change without any notice, and can differ between devices, countries and even networks.


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