Infovista | Evolving network testing | 12 use cases eBook


Competitor benchmarking

The benefits of competitor benchmarking with TEMS Paragon TEMS Paragon is a multi-device benchmarking solution that enables you to compare the service quality of your network to the competition. It is highly scalable, enabling you to test multiple use cases across all your competitors in a single drive test. Testing can be managed, controlled and monitored in real-time by engineers back at HQ. • Improve your competitor benchmarking efficiency with TEMS Paragon’s purpose-built user interface that allows non-technical drivers to perform advanced network testing meaning

Solution: TEMS Paragon

To provide a competitive network, you need to measure subscriber experience across different network technologies, handsets, and services. But more than that, you need to be able to benchmark your network performance against that of your competitors. Only then can you be confident that your network is performing to its true potential and delivering a subscriber experience that is truly market-leading. What is competitor benchmarking? Competitor benchmarking enables you to compare your network quality to that of other mobile operators, in your home market. To measure subscriber experience across multiple operators, handsets, and services requires a drive- test solution that is optimized for mobile network benchmarking projects. This means a multi-device configuration, supporting both iOS and Android handsets, along with in-depth service quality level testing including all the popular OTT applications, so you can perform a deep market comparison. A competitor benchmarking project requires extensive drive-testing to build a baseline view of how network assets are performing relative to competitors across different areas and at different times. This means benchmarking can be expensive. To reduce your benchmarking costs means minimizing field effort, and this requires automation. With centralized orchestration and enough automation, each benchmarking vehicle can be reduced to only a single driver saving significant costs.

each vehicle needs just a single driver • Compare your network quality to the

competition with TEMS Paragon’s scalable multi- device support that allows you to benchmark and analyze multiple operators simultaneously in a single drive test campaign • Benchmark customer experience by testing voice quality, OTT applications and user interactivity to ensure a comprehensive view of subscriber experience across competitors • Enable your engineers back at HQ to manage, control and monitor their benchmarking campaigns in real-time

Together, umlaut communications and

Infovista are providing the most comprehensive mobile network benchmarking services globally. umlaut


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